Beyond Berlin and Munich: Exploring Germany's Underrated Cities and Regions


History, culture, and natural beauty perhaps best describe the essence of vacationing in Germany. With its many historic cities and quaint small towns, along with an abundance of forests and mountains, visitors are spoiled for choice when it comes to choosing unique places to visit in this beautiful part of Europe.

For ideas and recommendations to help plan your travels, be sure to read our list of the top tourist attractions in Germany.

1. Heidelberg

Located in the southwestern state of Baden-Württemberg, Heidelberg is a picturesque town known for its historic university and romantic castle. It is often overshadowed by larger cities like Berlin and Munich, but it's a great place to explore the narrow alleys, old bridges, and scenic views of the Neckar River.


Heidelberg is a charming city in southwestern Germany, located in the state of Baden-Württemberg. It is known for its romantic castle, historic university, and picturesque Old Town.

The Heidelberg Castle, which dates back to the 14th century, is one of the city's main attractions. It is perched on a hill overlooking the Old Town and the Neckar River and offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape. The castle is also home to a museum and a large courtyard where concerts and events are held throughout the year.

The Old Town of Heidelberg is another highlight of the city. Its narrow streets are lined with colorful buildings, quaint shops, and cozy cafes. One of the most famous landmarks of the Old Town is the Heiliggeistkirche (Church of the Holy Spirit), a beautiful Gothic church that dates back to the 14th century.

Another attraction worth visiting is the Heidelberg University, one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Germany. It was founded in 1386 and has a rich history and many notable alumni, including eight Nobel laureates.

In addition to its cultural and historical attractions, Heidelberg also offers plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities. The city is surrounded by beautiful hills and forests, making it a great place for hiking, biking, and picnicking.

Overall, Heidelberg is a wonderful destination for anyone interested in history, culture, and natural beauty. It's also a great place to relax and enjoy the laid-back atmosphere of a charming German city.


2. Erfurt

The capital of the state of Thuringia, Erfurt is a charming city with a well-preserved old town and a stunning cathedral. It's a great place to soak up the atmosphere of medieval Germany and enjoy traditional Thuringian cuisine.
Erfurt Germany
Erfurt Germany

Erfurt is the capital of the state of Thuringia in central Germany, and is known for its well-preserved old town, historic landmarks, and cultural heritage.

The centerpiece of the city is the magnificent Erfurt Cathedral, also known as St. Mary's Cathedral. It is a stunning Gothic structure dating back to the 12th century, and is famous for its soaring spires, beautiful stained glass windows, and intricate stone carvings.

Another must-see attraction in Erfurt is the Krämerbrücke, or Merchant's Bridge, which is the longest inhabited bridge in Europe. It is lined with half-timbered houses and is a great place to explore local shops and boutiques.

The city is also home to the Augustinian Monastery, where Martin Luther studied theology and began the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century. Visitors can tour the monastery and learn about its history and significance in the religious and cultural history of Germany.

Other notable landmarks in Erfurt include the Petersberg Citadel, a well-preserved fortress overlooking the city, and the Erfurt Synagogue, one of the oldest and most important Jewish sites in Germany.

In addition to its historic landmarks, Erfurt also offers plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities, such as hiking, biking, and picnicking in the nearby Thuringian Forest.

Overall, Erfurt is a great destination for anyone interested in history, culture, and natural beauty, and is often overlooked by tourists visiting Germany.

3. Lübeck

 Located in the northern state of Schleswig-Holstein, Lübeck is a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its well-preserved Hanseatic architecture and delicious marzipan. It's a great place to explore the narrow streets, Gothic churches, and picturesque waterfront.

Lübeck is a beautiful city located in northern Germany, in the state of Schleswig-Holstein. The city is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is known for its well-preserved medieval architecture, charming streets, and delicious marzipan.

One of the most famous landmarks in Lübeck is the Holstentor, a large gatehouse that dates back to the 15th century and is a symbol of the city. Visitors can tour the gatehouse and learn about its history and significance in the medieval Hanseatic League.

The city's Old Town is also a highlight of Lübeck, with its narrow alleys, colorful buildings, and impressive Gothic churches. The St. Mary's Church is particularly notable, as it is one of the largest brick churches in the world and has a beautiful interior with intricate frescoes and stained glass windows.

Another must-see attraction in Lübeck is the Niederegger Marzipan Museum and Café, where visitors can learn about the history and production of marzipan, a sweet almond paste that is a specialty of the city.

Other notable landmarks in Lübeck include the Salzspeicher, historic buildings that once housed salt storage facilities, and the Rathaus, a grand Gothic-style city hall with a stunning façade and beautiful interior.

In addition to its cultural and historical attractions, Lübeck also offers plenty of opportunities for shopping, dining, and relaxing in the many parks and gardens throughout the city.

Overall, Lübeck is a hidden gem of Germany, and is a great destination for anyone interested in medieval history, architecture, and delicious food.

4. Bamberg

Located in the northern part of Bavaria, Bamberg is a charming town known for its medieval architecture, traditional smoked beer, and rich cultural heritage. It's a great place to wander around the old town and soak up the atmosphere of a bygone era.

One of the most famous landmarks in Bamberg is the Bamberg Cathedral, also known as the Imperial Cathedral. This impressive Romanesque cathedral dates back to the 11th century and features a beautiful interior with stunning stained glass windows, frescoes, and sculptures.

Another highlight of Bamberg is its Old Town, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Old Town is situated on an island in the Regnitz River and is home to numerous historic buildings, including the Alte Hofhaltung, a former residence of the bishops of Bamberg, and the 14th-century Altes Rathaus, or Old Town Hall, which is situated in the middle of the river and is one of the most photographed buildings in the city.

Bamberg is also known for its beer culture, with nine breweries located within the city limits. The city has a long tradition of brewing, dating back to the 11th century, and visitors can sample a variety of different styles of beer, including the famous Rauchbier, a smoked beer that is unique to the region.

Other notable landmarks in Bamberg include the Michaelsberg Abbey, a former Benedictine monastery that now houses a museum, and the Neue Residenz, a grand baroque palace that was once the home of the prince-bishops of Bamberg.

Overall, Bamberg is a wonderful destination for anyone interested in history, culture, and beer. It's a great place to explore medieval and baroque architecture, sample delicious beer, and soak up the charm of a small German city.

5. Saxon Switzerland National Park

Located in the eastern state of Saxony, Saxon Switzerland is a stunning national park known for its rugged sandstone formations, deep gorges, and spectacular views. It's a great place for hiking, rock climbing, and exploring the natural beauty of Germany.
saxon Switzerland National Park
saxon Switzerland National Park

One of the most popular activities in the park is hiking, with over 400 kilometers of trails winding through the scenic landscape. The park's most famous trail is the Malerweg, or Painter's Way, which offers breathtaking views of the sandstone formations and the Elbe River valley.

The park is also a great destination for rock climbing, with over 1,100 climbing routes throughout the sandstone cliffs. Other popular activities include cycling, horseback riding, and kayaking on the Elbe River.

In addition to its outdoor activities, Saxon Switzerland National Park also offers plenty of cultural and historical attractions. The park is home to numerous historic castles and fortresses, including the Königstein Fortress, which dates back to the 13th century and offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside.

Another notable landmark in the park is the Bastei Bridge, a spectacular sandstone bridge that spans a deep gorge and offers panoramic views of the Elbe River valley. Visitors can also explore the park's many caves and grottos, such as the impressive Kuhstall Cave, which features towering rock formations and an underground lake.

Overall, Saxon Switzerland National Park is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in outdoor activities, natural beauty, and history. The park's stunning landscapes and rich cultural heritage make it a unique and unforgettable destination in Germany.

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